What to do in autumn in Venice?
Here is a simple guide on how to enjoy autumn in Venice( or how to beat dark autumn depression and make the best out of it).
If you have already said bye-bye to summer and moody feelings are catching you, it is all right.
Autumn in Italy can be a part of the year when the beauty of nature is fading, days start to be shorter, we are more and more tired and we have even darker, colder and extra humid winter ahead of our sight.

It can be time to be happy for sun rays in the summer, perhaps some great encounter. Perhaps simple experience, such as somebody´s health got better, or you have learned a new thing or met a new friend.
Writing about travelling might be about travelling itself, of course, but as I am quite aware of nature, weather and its influence on our psyché, it is also a thing to consider while travelling.
Recently, I bumped to a cute small and powerful book –The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living by Meik Wiking.
It mostly says about Danish lifestyle, its custom to „beat the dark cold days“ with a „feeling and practice of cosiness“. Not only I am recommending you to examine this book and consider its simple and useful tips, but I will also share a few tip show to do.. this simple art of living in Venice.
You know, it is always hard to say ciao to summer, and if you have visited Venice, you can imagine I don´t like to turn off golden sun raises and never-ending evenings and afternoons at Lido neither. But since I am a kind of grown-up, I feel extremely grateful for every single day. With the arrival of autumn, something changes. With the falling of the leaves, we can also feel more tired, sensitive, less effective. But.
This is okay. If we are capable to spot this and we care about ourselves, we will not fade out. In the autumn it is more than needed to be listening to our body, to our memories, and just as the trees, to leave some things away so in a couple of months we can bloom again.
Only having this in mind, we can realise that we are also „just humans“ not robots, that are working at the same pace all the year, all life. Of course, it is possible and we can push pressure in front of us, but as in the past „burned out“ one, I might note that this is not the perfect way.
How about this.. simply embracing the fact that autumn is here, getting the rainboots ready, and collecting around yourself things that make you happy. For me, recently it is more carefully protected time, to talk about people around me and carefully listening about their life and state of mind.
It is a great time to recollect memories from past months, to get through the photos, to write to old friends or simple messages or calls with family if you cannot see them. To have the hands dirty from collecting fallen leaves, only to observe them and realize what the world is about.
The secret is, knowing this, you will not lose your strength. I can assure you about this. While accepting some loss ( of energy, need of more naps etc... more romantic movies....) you can be honest and fair to yourself, so you are also more effective in getting more powerful. How to support it? Everybody has some different secret tools. For me books, autumn perfume, fluffy socks, favourite hat and vanilla candle works. Let´s feel cosy. In Venice, in autumn too.

Venice is an „outdoor place“. As an „eastern – European hipster“ I miss in Venice coffeeshops with calm ambience, where I can sit to escape from the rain, where I can charge my phone and observe people passing by while waiting for a business meeting. This does not happen in Venice daily! I can escape from the rain mostly under my raincoat and then at home. E Basta.
Here come a few tips how you can practically visit this place in such a part of the year, which is also a good idea, as it is less crowded on the streets and in the indoors.
Regarding „fashion “: forget umbrella....
it just does not work. Streets in Venice are small, you will hit other people and in the end, you would be all wet. Get used to waterproof jacket and make sure you have good waterproof walking shoes ( I adore my most comfy Merrels, which are from the combo of leather and textile and are even more suitable to walk than my favourite Nike Running shoes.....)
Hairstyle break.
Leave your hair loose, and cover your ears with a cute thin hat/cap! You will be happy when the wet wind will be hitting your face and you don´t have to bother yourself about special hairstyle. It is humid, nobody would beat you for your not styled hair
Good face cream and less make up. Let you shine without this. Instead, visit some of the Venetian pharmacies and get yourself a lovely fragrance by Erbolario!
Pretty leather gloves as a lady from the past, or whatever fits you. Your skin will say thank you and you will not catch autumn viruses ( yes, in autumn, lots of kids and then their parents are sick.... so why to bother with this while you travel).
Refind your diary and pen/ pencil. Write, memorize, sketch. Nobody would see it. You don´t have to like it. It is only to let the thoughts go away. It is mind- changing.
And then....:

1. Visit Libreria Querini Stampalia
2. Enjoy view from Campanile
3. Spend a half day at Murano, Glass Museum does not sound interesting, but it is MORE than interesting!
4. Visit Ca´d Oro
5. Research some cute coffeeshop where you can sit and get your clothes dry...
6. Do not skip Fortuny Showroom - you better book your visit in advance or to make sure it is opened
7. Go to Padova, it is few km from Venice
8. Go to Hostel Generator coffeeshop, they serve truly yummy cappuccino, and they will not be agressive if you add on the top cinnamon and cocoa powder
9. Go to hear the concert - autumn in Venice is filled with jazz
10. Walk in the park Biennale & Arsenale
11. Find your spot in Lido and observe sea and empty beaches
12. Listen to your favourite autumn music. If you don´t have it, find it!
13. Get ready your autumn book friend. Or let it be a good guide book when you wait for Vaporetto
14. Try hot chocolate in Caffe Florian
15. If you are in rush, try on of the fresh seasonal plates in SEPA
16. Explore Negozio Olivetti
17. Explore Forte Margera, it is not only old military area, you can walk in its park, and in the evenings taste grilled foods.
18. Give a chance to Torcello. On a pleasant day, you can chill in garden in one of the very few outdoor restaurants, if you have kids, they can observe their rabbits and goats. You will find it easily, Torcello is not a huge place.
19. Create something. You can think that you are the most uncreative or unable person in the world. But that is just bullshit. Whether you are 12 or 89, it is vital to test your soft motorists and let it be trained too. Just as the exercising of body and muscles is vital, exercising of attention, ability to learn and soft movement is necessary for everybody. And where to paint or create something, if not in Venice? There are for instance plenty of mask makers, where you can create something with a pure fan, it is not a competition! Moreover, you can bring yourself home nice memories. Ask people in ......... for courses in the duration of and .......... for deep few days courses.
20. Enjoy! And write to me, if you have some great experience to share with me :)

Text and photos by Karolinska 2019