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Autumn 2019 with #structuresofvenice!

Wishing you nice reading dear friends of #structuresofvenice! Hope you have reasons to smile, and if not, let’s find some!

To rock on, here a song that I woke up with today. @thekillers Smile Like You Mean It


Photo capturing masks in petite @venice_masks. Check their feed as well, it will take you to the everyday process of creativity and often it is quite funny. You can visit this mask shop and choose your favourite piece or decorate your masks of various types.

There was one young clever boy who told me: ‘You know, now we talk, but there are some people that are not using words, they are silent and are talking only with the sign language! ‘

Then he continued in more clever and inspiring words and started to teach me some signs meanings, briefly such as my name is.. friend.. love.

Today I am sharing with you this piece of precious reminder, and an ordinary snapshot from Venice. For those, passing by every day, let it be a reminder of being thankful to be able to see such a view. For those who don’t know this view alive, this is another reason why I keep doing this. To bring a piece of Venice wherever in the world you are.

For those who can read this, lucky you! I wish we would be able to build more bridges, to make life easier and doable for those, who are not as lucky as some. Whether it is teaching language, whether it is sharing tools to communicate, to connect people and to understand each other. Let's go on.

Since thinking more about people who cannot hear nor talk and are depending on sign language, I am sorry to realize how ignorant we are sometimes and how stupidly shy I had myself been in the past not to try to interact more. Now, this is my confession and I hope I will be given a chance. No, wait, I will fight for this chance!

To begin with, now I can say " Venice", and here you can see how:

Thank you, Lorenzo Quinn for creating powerful works of art.

I have discovered through Instagram feed of the artist that he was willing to install these giant hands representing friendship, wisdom, help, faith, hope and love at the other place.

Well, seeing the visualisations, it could have been installed in an area with better visibility and hands in Arsenale are a bit lost but. It is beautiful and as with previous "hands" at Canal Grande, we wish hands would remain in Venice "per sempre" !

Discover more or hurry to Arsenale before the end of Biennale of Art 2019.

Detail from interiors of Palazzo Ducale. Nothing more to add right now...

Look at it, Venice without people! I enjoy walking in less known places and to have a bit of space. It is possible, even during high season ( which was extended this year almost till mid-November) to find the calmer areas and to see Venice not only as in postcard and in millions of same photos.

Find your way, find your favourite piece of Venice.

Visiting exposition in a house of Carlo Goldoni, today with the same name, as it is preserved by @muve. You can see there a small exposition of marionettes and to imagine that theatre back in a day was part of popular culture.

People could experience street performances of comedians and puppeteers. Carlo Goldoni was a person to give a Commedia “system” as he established written scripts. This could give Commedia later on a form, and it was a start of professionalism of this art form. Imagine actors, that have always performed only by memorizing and improvising texts, travelling with their troupe all around Venice or surrounding areas.

Can you imagine how much they must have “ loved” when suddenly someone was trying to direct them and to make them repeat exact sentences? “ Such nonsense”! Thanks to Carlo Goldoni, we can go to the theatre as well as to professional institution and be amused, inspired and to choose from a variety of genres, titles and names of creators.

Who likes to admire trash of antique markets? Meee! If you feel similarly, you can find a couple of markets in Venice, usually at Campo San Maurizio. Markets are announced beautifully, as printed posters exposed in Vaporetto.

This photo comes from Saturday market in Mestre. Even Venetians pretend Mestre is a country abroad, you can reach it easily taking train or bus from “real Venice” and enjoy a bit of “city vibes”. Simply by walking through the path of Corso Del Popolo, you can find tables with various goods, toys, clothes, weird antique or artificial antique objects, books related to Venice and Veneto as well.

Walking direction to the centre of Mestre, you can find also Museum M9 and coffee shops, and shops with whatever you might need - simply simple city centre.

On the occasion of artisan exhibition of Venetian ateliers and craftsmen, I had a pleasure to see in detail some of the costumes and dresses created by @nicolaoateliervenezia.

Atelier Nicolao is one of those magical places, where beautiful costumes and costume parts are still created. You don´t have to be a famous actor to wear one of those pieces! Since carnival is a great option of being in costume without a shame,.. well come to the atelier to choose who you wish to be! See the exact address and enjoy. As coming from performing arts have had a close relationship with a production of theatre and films, I enjoy seeing pieces done in high quality. It is not easy to do embroidery of silk and as you can see in the photo, Atelier Nicolao manages it pretty well! Would you like to come back to this kind of fashion?

Books recommended by one nice bookstore - Libreria Studium. Yes, one of those where you enter and the fragrance of books blocks you until you would find your next favourite readings. I like to read historical books related to art and Venice, and sometimes it is vital to switch as well to more “recent” works and contemporary writers.

Venetians like to enjoy time with friends. Venetians can survive cold, humid time. Venetians go out, even there is Aqua Alta. Venetians are never complaining about bad weather. Venetians are never surprised by the weather! Venetians are my big inspiration, about their ability of social interaction.

If you can walk, walk out, have an evening “walk” to randomly meet your friends or neighbours. If you can sit, sit, there are not so many places in Venice to sit and chat! If you can, enjoy.

Mask from my favourite place filled by poetry and masked characters. Visit Ca Del Sol Maschere, meet the artists producing masterpieces by their hands and choose your favourite one.

Guess where we are? Right at Piazza San Marco, right during sunset time, when the facade of Basicila di San Marco is gently kissed by the sun.

If you see it ones, or thousand of times, there are always some details that you can relieve by observing it over and over again.

Venice is not an exterior museum, I agree, but it is a place where you can see traditions and arts and crafts in a form just as they were in the past. Would you like to discover more and find a place where the time has stopped? Walk-in Castello and find a workshop of Paolo Brandolisio, who is creating by his hands' significant pieces of gondolas - forcola. You can take a look through a glass at an entrance. It is easy to find it, if the day is good, you can feel outside on the streets fragrance of wood and woodworking materials.

Paolo is using the same technique and tools as were used in the past, as his maestro, and before him, his maestro would use.

Whether you are gondolier, who comes to buy there his custom made forcola, or you love wood, this place is something to explore. Forcolas are beautiful, they are practically part of the gondola, as oar is placed in it, but moreover, it looks like a piece of sculpture.

Hope you could have soaked up a bit of Venice and wherever you are, I am wishing you a nice day, and soon see you in Venice!

To be always updated, and to see events, art, spots to visit and daily events, follow #structuresofvenice or return to this web again.

Click on the image to save pdf of this map.

I have also created this map in interactive gps version, so you can reach these spots easily .

Write me email on saying you wish to receive Venice Autumn Map and I will send you link.

To receive Venice autumn map costs 0€.

Thank you will be enough :)


Text and photos by Karolinska 2019


©2023 by Karolinska. 

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