See my favourite autumn cosmetics
Autumn cosmetic and some extra ritual
Welcome, fragrances and wellness fans!
In this article, you will not read about what to do in Venice, or Italy, but how to explore products that I personally like in this period of the year. Don´t worry, if you read this "out of autumn". They surely fit before or after this magical and colorful time, too!

Every location, season has a particular effect on our skin, on our metabolism and overall functions of our body. Cosmetic products or beauty rituals are my favourite „leisure“ activity, sometimes all I need is to prepare dry herbs – mixes, my own soaps, or hanging around perfume and drug store, sniffing what is prepared there for me.
Here are some products, that work for me, and also, they fitted visually to the autumn mood. Everyone should consider using products and skincare routine, that is the most suitable. It is also good to lead a healthy lifestyle, consisting of plenty of exercises and favourite activity, balanced nourishment, in combo with enough good quality sleep and regular day- week or year routine.

Disinfection Spray Sanicid Soluzione 30 ml
This year we reminded ourselves how important it is to sanitize our hands and surfaces around. I have been travelling often, for me, this „must“ was nothing new. I am always armed with sanitizing tissues or sanitizing gels or sprays.
I have found this sanitizing spray in one good drugstore in Venice. I like its „old- fashioned“ glass packaging, even it covers the hands with quite a lot of sanitizing liquid, it does not run away too fast.. strangely J This one is a 30 ml flacon, fits well anywhere you need to take it with you. You can disinfect with its surfaces or hands. It does not have additional „fragrance“, rather it smells simply disinfecting.
You can find it in Venetian pharmacies or online:
I have got this one from Farmacia Zamboni Santa Croce, 181, 30135 Venezia VE - nice and pro people, not willing to sell you only to spend money- recommended.
Link to location here : Farmacia Zamboni Venezia VE

Hand cream Olive complex 100 ml. ERBARIO TOSCANO
Disinfection and careful constant hand- washing means also need of nourishment of hands skin. My favourite product, I like to use at home is this amazing Protective Hand Cream with olive complex by Erbario Toscano. The product is produced in Italy, and I must say, Erbario Toscano, is my favourite brand when I need good creams or fragrances.
This hand cream is incredibly soft, absolutely not greasy, so you will not get bored even if you use it more times during a day. I mentioned that it works very fine in the interior, for the exterior I am choosing more „greasy ones“. Consider this hand cream as a wellness time for hands. It smells amazing, amazing, amazing.
Plus point, this hand cream comes in a neat paper box, if you want to give somebody a nice practical gift.
I would recommend not wasting a minute if you want this one. Erborio Toscano sometimes finishes pretty damn good product lines. They always come up with something good and new, but sometimes I like to repeat the purchase of a trusted item.
I am not too sure, where to find Erborio Toscano products in Venice ( I always got those as a gift from somebody....) though you can have a look at them online.

Fuss Creme Teebaum Ol by Balea
My friend (of course, artist and hancrafter) once told me, that she can´t even look at the written word "feet". Well, I will do!
Thanks to a kind of wellness ritual, that I could give to myself instead of visiting real wellness or spa this year... This creme is surprisingly cheap and surprisingly good. I purchased it in Austria, though DM drugstores are starting to be more present also in Italy, so there might be a chance to get it also in Venetian DM. It is perfect for „after bath“ ritual, if you walk a lot during the day, or if you like to do some running in nature, just like me.
I will share with you as well a „feet bath“ ritual – perfect for times when you can´t visit SPAs.
- Pour hot water into a bowl, where you will have your feet bath. Insert 50g of salt (Himalayan, Epsom, or normal one would do. Naturally, use common sense not to boil your own skin.
- For a 2 l of water, pour 10 drops of tea tree or mint oil ( can be also gotten from DM drugstore – please, be careful to add only cosmetic oil, not the „decorative“ ones to be put into oil infusers or lamps).
- Throw into water ca 10 of dry mint or melissa leaves ( or herbs you have dried from your garden).
- Place your feet into the water, if it is not too hot, enjoy and relax. You can use wooden brushes or pumice stone to get rid of old skin and massage the skin, which will be causing regenerating processes.
The whole bath like this has a pleasant tea tree or mint fragrance, which has a calming and stimulating effect. I like to keep it in the room for a few minutes after finishing the bath, to have there a SPA fragrance.
In Europe, it is not too fancy to talk about feet. Though, we must pamper them, honour them, love them. In feet, many nerve endings are, which is influencing our body and mind. They are a connection to all our body organs. Maybe you observed, that if your feet hurt, after all, day- long-standing, blood and pressure is hurting in them and it ruins your whole body mood and condition. Happy feet, happy organs.
Having a bath and reconstruction time for your feet can be continued with a pedicure or applying nourishing and refreshing cream such as Creme with Teetree oil by Balea, or by applying a bit of coconut oil. Mi piace!

Eau di Toilette Gianfrano Ferre – Camicia 113
For autumn days that still gifted us with sun rays, this is my day- perfume choice. Camicia 113 b Gianfranco Ferre is light, fresh, but has an atmosphere of activity and style. I would totally wear this perfume if I worked in some office and wore a white shirt with a sleek outfit.
This fragrance includes touches of magnolia, bergamot, but also violet and jasmine. I quote, that it is absolutely not sweet, but gives you an energetic mood, just as a summer light does.
I include it to my autumn selection and I style it in my garden´s flowers, simply because I got it in the autumn. However, this fragrance will surely work all around the year. Before some time I had no idea about the existence of this brand, it is produced in Italy, so plus points, and also its light stylish style totally prove it.
Here is the web of Mr Ferre :
...maybe it is more practical to reach your local fragrances provider:)

Eau di Toilette For Her S.Oliver
Simple, a bit art deco call, looking at this flacon. S.Oliver probably knows who to hit with their packaging. It has been years I am reaching for their fragrances. I like to re-apply during the day, though this would be my morning kick- out ritual.
If you like to appear in soft – powder pink style, smart wardrobe, maybe some vintage pieces, why not to try this one. Definition of this fragrance is oriental to flower. I can say, there are elements of citrus fruit, which makes it a good day- choice. I will probably always pair this fragrance to a white T-shirt and a jeans jacket, watching Regata Storica in Venice and waiting for the first leaves to fall from the trees.
I remember this one as well with travelling with me fro
m Sicily towards Rome, it was my friend, when I had to stay abandoned in Rome for about 5 days. It fitted well! If even autumn is giving a few sunny and bright days, this fragrance can be totally combined with it. With the arrival of more moody days, I am choosing more oriental and heavier fragrances.
Hope you have enjoyed my little autumn cosmetic display. These were my favourites, hopefully, you will find what is suitable for you only! Everyone has different fragrance perception, the different choice regarding cosmetic products.
We should always try to find a balance, not to overuse anything and also, not spending and buying what we may not be able to finish. We have got the days when we know, that our choices have a significant impact not only to us and our close ones but also to our environment.
Nature is already giving us incredible supplies, we can learn how to use them and help with few cosmetics hacks if needed. Enjoy your days, in wherever season or year you are coming! But, who else loves autumn just like me?