In the labyrinth of Carnival evening
Since being in these weird, unusual, many times not- easy times, I will share with you a few poetical shots from Venice´s Carnival, when it was possible to move around. Looking back in time, we had no idea to be able to be out, create something together would become such a precious and impossible thing.
The photos you will see here are provided by photographer Luca Rajna, with whom I collaborate sometimes. Also, it is always great to scout with him in locations, especially in Venice, where I surprise him with architectural nerdic information and he surprises me with incredible paths around Lake Como. I feel grateful to have met somebody, I can learn from and also, I can share the historic and cultural nerd- ness adn pation for Venice and its art.
Here, my role was to help on location, to assist with styling and to make sure everybody is having a good and creative time ( easy! ).
Our beautiful and kind models that you will see in the labyrinth of Carnival night are Time Travellers. It was great meeting and hopefully we can look forward to see them again. You can see them traveling in time here. One can never know, to which time period they will go!
Do you want to be taken to Venice´s streets during Carnival time? Continue reading! Turn on a candle lights and get lost with us in a place where streets have no name.

During the Venice Carnival, usually, people from all corners of the world arrive here and bring their costumes, or hire some locally. Some are coming as individuals, some as groups. Over years, they kind of built small groups of friends, for which this occasion is not only being dressed up but meet each other and share Carnival moments together.

During Venice Carnival, there are some events, that are accessible for public, such as the traditional parade of noble families from San Pietro Di Castello towards Piazza San Marco. (A few photos from these moments here in my gallery). The Flight of Angel from Campanile di San Marco, or various parades through Venice and parade on water in district Cannaregio.
The official events are usually to be announced hon Carnival web here.
There are also magnificent private balls organized inside of hotels, palaces, where one can have fun and dine finely with another masked people. Just as did people in Venice 300 years ago.
Another option (that I personally vote for) is simply hanging out around Venice, to be masked, being photographed, walk around old streets and enjoying the atmosphere. Becoming a magical creature, laughing with friends and being a character of your own drama.
There are not opulent street parties, and never-ending shows, as is often (misleadingly) promoted in numerous travel agencies.
Venice Carnival is how you make it. And it is better, than travel agencies will tell you. It stands on you.

I will take you to atmospheric streets and canals of Venice, with a couple that is travelling in time. You can enjoy here more silent, private, spectacular Venice far from crowds and tourism. We travel back in time!
One of the treats of Carnival is, that you can become its vivid and real part. You can choose a character or type of persona from history. The most popular characters are obviously costumes and masks representing 17th century when Venice´s Carnival got into the most decadent, many times obscene, erotic and most popular forms. People could simply do anything possible and impossible, to become who you are usually not. Men could be women, poor could be kings and kings could become servants.
In our days, people are often coming with beautiful new ideas, performing an abstract mask, such as Night. Sun, Harlequin, Puppetmaster, Klimt´s Kiss and many more.
You can use here fantasy without borders. Venice is a place, where fantasy is welcome and any imagination can become a reality.
What can tell us Time Travelers about Carnival and phenomenon of masks?
" The Venice Carnival is the best meeting point for us to see our crazy friends from all over the world. Then, we have a private party every evening during carnival, costumed, and each time with a different theme.
We are also costume makers, crazy about vintage collections, so being costumed is part of our DNA."

Maybe Carnival in Venice in 2021 was not in its traditional and usual form, but special times mean we need to act with respect and special attention.
May it serve as the introspection, about deciding if the city and its citizens want to truly have some event celebrating some traditions, taking care of all its aspects, giving it a modern sense and qualities. Or if it is enough to have streets filled with crowds without any deeper connection with a tradition, community or the true spirit of Venice.
Perhaps, if all will go better, we can meet again in Venice, celebrate its tradition and importantly, celebrate the joy of being altogether next years. Travelling to the past, enjoying presence or dreaming about good quality future. Creating the magic of friendship and celebrating imagination.
When we put on a mask, we become someone else. Maybe it can offer us a world of fantasy, secret power or simply develop what we are interested in. I find quite fascinating, that one can turn into an Exotic Turkish ambassador, French duchess with the enormous wig, or a pair of masked Harlequins with a costume, that shines in the evening.

Putting on mask had in our history many times magical and powerful background. It could connect the performer closer to Gods, make the person appear bigger, stronger or to make his voice with a powerful echo. Being masked is an essential part of our cultural and performative history. Simple garment, wig, or even make-up can change us powerfully and we can use this feature even in our daily life.
We need to give ourselves space to be our best. And if it is to look like a king, why not?
It is great to produce masks with children. They demonstrate incredible quality to really produce persona, that they want to be. And of course, they want to be superheroes, willies, knights.

To create your superhero "costume" or mask can be easy. You can come to Venice, dress up. Or, you can choose a different hairstyle for your daily wear. Or, interesting type of shoes, that will make you feel remarkable.
Perhaps, you will look at yourself in the mirror in the morning and will simply compliment yourself, that you look great and you don´t need anything else, just enjoy being yourself and using your full potential anyhow possible.
I hope you enjoyed travelling in time and fantasy, explored something new about Carnival in Venice and its mysterious streets. To walk in its empty corners, being surrounded by sound of water and unrepeatable atmosphere is something, every admirer of Venice should experience at least once in a lifetime.
If you dream about being captured in Venice, make sure to reach me or photographer Luca Rajna. It is not only being photographed but having a memorable time, meeting new friends and being captured with confidence. I will take care of your perfect outfit, or helping you to look the best in what you have chosen.
Models:Alina & Olivier
Photography: Luca Rajna Progetti Fotografici
Styling, location assistance: Karolinska Structures Of Venice
Location assistance: Ing. Arch. Giovanni Bellanca
Text: Karolinska Structures Of Venice 2021