#structuresofvenice in Ausonia Hungaria
#structuresofvenice in an incredible Ausonia Hungaria, Luxury ***** Hotel at Lido, Venice, Italy.
There were times, not too long ago, when I was wondering while walking at Venetian Lido, whether this unusual hotel is still being opened. So did ask Venetians in their heartful online groups and while wandering around.
I assure you, if you went around, it must have captured your attention. Bright and ellegant exterior of Ausonia Hungaria is captured and shared online almost daily, so what was the mystery behind it?
Is it possible to get in or not?

After some time, I discovered that this extraordinary, and indeed, the unusual hotel has been reopened .My curiosity led me there. Thanks to the hospitality of the Ausonia Hungaria and its marketing management and their collaboratives, I will bring you today some of the #structuresofvenice and will bring more of Ausonia Hungaria to you!
Let´s start our exploration.

Beginnings of Ausonia Hungaria
The hotel had been opened in 1907 by Ludovico Fabrizio, a businessman from Friuli. Its original name had been „Hungaria Palace Hotel“. The architecture design had been created by Nicolo Piamonte.
In that time, Lido of Venice had been already world-renown spa location. Since 2nd half of the 19th century, it would be drawing the attention of intellectuals, artists and high society of Europe of those days.
Hungaria Palace Hotel would have been a destination for wealthy travellers from the former Austro – Hungarian empire.
The former Austro-Hungarian Empire was spread over a large part of Central Europe, it was covering present Austria and Hungary as well as the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Croatia and parts of present Poland, Romania, Italy, Ukraine, Moldova, Serbia and Montenegro.
New building of the hotel that is today Ausonia Hungaria, built in the centre of Lido on the elegant street was built in the popular style of those days. In Italy, it was generally known as the Liberty style – derived from the influential store in London. Liberty & Co. was demonstrating exotic furniture and decorative items from Asia, showing different influence to what Europeans did know by then.

Popularity of Art Nouveau and Liberty Style
In the same time, Art Nouveau, Secession was hitting interest by the end of the 19th century. It was the exact opposite of the sharp rectangular practical forms, brought by the industrial revolution. Art Nouveau and its derivations were fascinated by natural forms, objects created by artisans and motifs coming from Gothic Era, Pre- Raffaelites and mythical life.
For the short time, this style was dominating in architecture, print design, jewellery and painting. As it was not too accessible for the masses, it left as a fashion for higher society, but its influences got itself as well into popular art.
What is important to say is, that the border that was drawn between art disciplines slowly disappeared. All the spheres of art started to be connected and created a system of life.
The interior of Hungaria Palace Hotel had been covered with the furniture created by Milano´s designer Eugenio Quatri. Of course, the interior of the opening´time was reflecting the needs of the former travellers.
Businessmen could have enjoyed long holidays and a luxurious lifestyle. Hungaria Palace Hotel would be a popular stop among travellers coming from Vienna, Prague and other Austrio- Hungarian metropolis.

The 20th century dressing
And yes. We can imagine travellers of those times with dozens of heavy pieces of luggage, possibly with assistants. The appearance was still an extremely important part of daily life. For instance, the start of the century was still famous for a rigorous form of dressing for both ladies and gentlemen. My professor of the material culture at the university used to say „ Only courtesans would be the ones without a hat“. We were laughing, but it was true.
Another practical matter: you cannot wear the same dress before lunch, for the tea hour nor for the evening. The start of the 20th century is still very slow in embracing women´s body. To swim was not too comfortable, as women were supposed to wear their daily gowns, but tucked higher. Though, Lido of Venice was offering a slight „revolution“ as it was a SPA resort place.

Therefore, some freedom could have appeared here. With freeing of dress and as well as social connections. With some time, the revolution of dressing would be stronger and step by step, men and women could start wearing more comfortable swimwear. It will start to be fashionable wearing sun- tanned skin and to be slim. But that was possible just in the 30s.
Venetian Lido as a superstar
Lido was a popular stop for literature – lovers. The novel of Thomas Mann – Death In Venice created a spectacular fashion. It was popular to come to Venice, to the spots where the novel is located. Readers found it interesting to read this book exactly in Venice, to be more immersed in the book. This has drawn here also writer Franz Kafka, for instance. Kafka was in that time still not world known, yet working as the officer at the insurance company.

Who were more „laud“ and shiny guests that were already becoming superstars were visitors of Lido such as Coco Chanel, Sergei Djagilev and numerous members and artists connected with Ballets Russes. Lido was a roaring stop, place of relax and also a place of endless parties in a luxurious environment with stars from music, fashion or movie world.
While at the beginning of the 20th century, Venetian Lido had experienced the birth of the famous Film Festival, later on, after 2nd world war it would become slightly less visited and curated.
New life of Ausonia Hungaria
Today, renovated hotel is coming back to its full power with its renewed named – Ausonia Hungaria, bowing to its history but going proudly towards future. The building of the hotel lookds from the view from the outside just like in the history. With its presious majolica tiles in Liberty style and cute garden surrounding outer terasse. I was nicely surprised, that interior also with its recent reconstruction in a modern style respects the history of the building. It can be said, that the reconstruction brought Ausonia Hungaria to the new exciting chapter filled with quality and high style.
"If there is a quality, there is no need to cover it with a new design. The idea was to protect it and to expose its unique elements. We wanted to use and create an Italian style in the best quality, nothing that would pretend to be Venetian or a fake version of history.
Lido and Ausonia Hungaria is, as well connected with the film world, which has also happened to be a part of the details in interiors and can be felt everywhere."
Matteo Raffaele Russo, Marketing Manager Hotel Ausonia Hungaria *****

Airy freshness in hand with the historical quality
Talking about Ausonia Hungaria with their marketing management, I would discover that it has been reconstructed with a tasteful interior design of Simone Michelli. You can see, that the ground floor has not been touched. Classy modern furniture was added, to highlight the historic quality of the space. The unique ambience was supported with few modern gadgets, all in the perfect harmony, ready for a perfect stay of modern hotel´s guests.
The ceiling paintings of Slavic Goddesses and rich floral motives are growing all around the spaces. What was well done, was the preservation of the historical spaces here and adding functional, airy and modern furniture. Just as is needed for a perfect stay in the hotel in the 21st century.
Behind the reconstruction of the interior spaces was the architect Simone Micheli. Simone Micheli is based in Florence, but working on both Italian and international architecture scene. He was rewarded recently with prizes such as OPAL - Outstanding Property Award - London, UK , The 10Th Idea—Tops Award 2020 Shenzhen, China,
Premio Regula 2019 - 100 progetti italiani Roma, Hotel Property Award 2018 - Finalist Nomination, HotelForum, Munich, Germany. And that was only mentioning last 2 years!
What were the main themes for this new overwhelming face of the interiors?
"Very few elements but extremely performing: not opulence, not abundance but rather an attention to the details: this is what luxury means to me, and this is the concept behind all my projects, including Ausonia Hungaria.
Vital to this feeling was the idea of "Gesamtkunstwerk" in the writings and the works of Richard Wagner - German composer, theatre director, conductor and writer – which took life again in the project: architects who choose to create a complete work of art do not only look at the general picture, but rather personalize every detail of the project, treating it as if it were a work in its own. Meticulous attention to detail is the key aspect."
Simone Micheli Architect

The unique unexpected atmosphere
Venice and Lido are during the summer especially hot and humid. What was great to discover and to be appreciated, is that its interiors are breathing with its history and with freshness. There is huge respect towards to the legend such as Ausonia Hungaria is. More to it, it brings extraordinary quality and makes modern visitors enjoy their stay as much as possible.
The surrounding garden and close spaces to the exterior will draw you to the atmosphere of the early 20th century. I can quite picture its terrasse where would tired guests fall asleep after all-night of partying in Lido´s jazz clubs.
Lido had been in its history important spot of Venetian power. This is the place, where the famous Venetian fleet would be departing to distant lands. And, in the 20th century, this would be, where creme de la creme of the society would fleet. When I was entering its hall, I was almost expecting characters from Agata Chriestie´s novels walking in, hearing the score from series Hercule Poirot...

Close to the aerial view and freshness of the sea
Climbing up to floors of the hotel, surprising, modern and minimalistic yet functional spaces would surprise you. Ausonia Hungaria has an unusual footprint with hallways cutting the hotel into apartments with irregular shapes. While walking on the hallways reaching your room, you would step onto carpet representing Lido from the aerial view.
Airy rooms provide you views of Lido, enough space to relax during your Venice stay. You can choose to visit its nearby beaches, to refresh yourself it the sea. The other possibility is visiting their Luxurious Thai Spa or outdoor pool.

The hotel is placed conveniently in the heart of Lido. It is a few walking minutes from the stop of Vaporetto or water taxi, heading from Airport Marco Polo / Piazza San Marco. So both for your arrival with the plane or both for discovering the historical centre of Venice, it is of great convenience.
The great aspect of Lido and enjoying a stay at Lido is, that you can reach Venetian centre if you want. As well, you can enjoy more of a fresh air flowing from the sea even during hot Venetian summer.
Lido has more of greenery and contains as well natural reservation, golf club and location where you can ride a horse and see the Lido from the horse´s back. It has a chilled atmosphere, closeness to the opened sea and history and presence of the hospitality, that became legendary.
Another bonus, many times mentioned as well by famous poets and artists, visiting Venice such as Goethe, Wagner or Byron. You can enjoy seeing Venice during the sunset. In Ausonia Hungaria, which is having a terrasse with a panoramic view, it can really be a treat.

Spoiler alert
If you are a traveler, that likes to enjoy a high quality of location and the best hospitality, choosing Ausonia Hungaria would be a natural choice. I believe, it is not only 1 time stop.
As the hotel is filled with extravagant history and never-ending beautiful details, everybody can enjoy coming over and over, and discovering more and more.
Are you ready for the unexpected holidays at Lido?
PLAN YOUR STAY AT AUSONIA HUNGARIA, have a look at their website:
Dear reader, I invite you to see more photos from unexpected Ausonia Hungaria at Venetian Lido.
Visit GALLERY on this website and have a closer look!
If you have few more seconds, scroll down to see map of Venice and Europe in 1913 to picture Austro- Hungarian empire + map of Lido and Ausonia Hungaria, so you can easily find it!
AUNONIA HUNGARIA, thank you very much for hosting me for a day and agreeing to this photoshoot and interview in Ausonia Hungaria. Thank you hotel´s marketing management and online marketing team for allways rapid and kind communication.
Thank you Simone Michelli for getting in touch and answering my questions.
It has been a pleasure.
Text, photographs Karolinska 2020
Bonus: have a look at part of Europe by 1913.
Imagine all those travellers arriving to Venice by trains or ferry from Trieste.
(Click on the photo and download it! )

Information, resources:
FIALA Václav: Literární toulky mestem umelcu, hudby a karnevalu
1910s getty images. Decades of the 20th Century, Konemann 2001
Art Nouveau. A fascinating guide to one of the most celebrated periods of decorative art, Grange Books 2007
WORSLEY Harriet, Decades of fashion, h.f. ullman 2007